Empty Nest Syndrome – The Fun Begins When Your Kids Move Out

When your kids finally move away from home, it does not have to be a stressful event. Empty nest syndrome can be avoided and your new empty house can become an exciting adventure.
Now that the kids have moved out, you suddenly have one, two or more empty bedrooms. Now, what should you do with them? Hmm? It’s repurpose time. Here are some ideas you can use to convert those empty rooms into something useful for you and your spouse.
Home Theatre – now this one will probably get the moved away kids a little mad and envious. Convert an empty bedroom into a home theatre. Have a nice large screen, several recliners and maybe even a popcorn machine.
Study – ever wanted a nice place to relax and read a book? How about a great place to listen to music? You could turn a empty room into a comfortable study.
Exercise Room – no need for a monthly gym membership. Turn an empty room into a nice home gym. Now you can get in shape like you always wanted to.
Game Room – ok, time to really piss-off the moved away kids. Turn one of their empty bedrooms into a game room for you, your spouse and friends. I bet the kids will come back and visit you more often.
Craft Room – tired of your spouse’s crafts being all over the living room or bedroom? Turn an empty bedroom into a craft room just for your spouse. You may not see them as often, but you will get brownie points for this one.
Home Office – do you currently rent office space for your business? You can always convert an empty room into a home office and save the rent money for something fun to do.
Another option is to sell the house and move to a condominium or high rise apartment. I’m talking one with lots of amenities, like a gym, swimming pool, game room, theatre, restaurant etc. Let yourself be pampered. Not to even mention no more yard work.
Have you always wanted to travel? This may be the time to sell the home and buy an RV. Modern RVs have all the comforts of home. Plus you can take your new home wherever you go. Tired of being in one spot? Turn the key and drive your home on a new adventure.
As you can see, the kids leaving home can actually be a fun thing to happen. You can always visit then whenever you really want.
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