I Choose to See Goodness

Goodness and beauty surround me wherever I look. I choose to focus on the positive aspects of life.
I feel happier and more secure when I pay attention to signs of progress and success. I know that there is order in the world. I trust myself to find solutions to the challenges I encounter.
I clear away obstacles that would darken my view.
I let go of judgments and preconceptions. I forgive myself and others.I indulge my curiosity.
I notice the good qualities in others.I ask myself what I like about my friends and coworkers. I give a thumbs-up to the stranger I see holding a door for other shoppers or picking up litter on the sidewalk.
I recognize my strengths. I assess my talents and accomplishments. I engage in meaningful work and look for opportunities to gain more knowledge and skills.
I celebrate uplifting news and events. I am inspired by examples of kindness and heroism.
I search for beauty. I walk around my local park to admire the birds and flowers. I visit an art museum to reflect on the paintings and sculptures. I decorate my home with new pillows and paint.
Today, I direct my attention towards the positive attributes of each creature and experience that crosses my path. My world is brimming over with goodness.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- How does seeing the good in others enhance my relationships?
- Where can I find the silver lining in a challenge that I am currently facing?
- What are 3 things I like about my job?
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