Smart Investing Words of Wisdom From a Legendary Investor

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Are you an aspiring investor? Do you already dabble in the stock market? Smart investing, like many other successful activities, requires research and planning. Perhaps you can enjoy greater investment profits by following the lead of Warren Buffet, one of the most profitable investors of all time. 

Due to the success of his investments, Mr. Buffet’s net worth has been as high as $62 billion. When Warren gives out advice about investing, most tend to listen. 

As the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett leads a yearly shareholders meeting. Over 35,000 investors from all over the world gather in Omaha, Nebraska each year to listen to Buffett speak and share pearls of wisdom. 

The original shareholders meeting had only 15 people, and everyone met in an insurance company cafeteria. The more recent meetings have been held in a 200,000 square-foot exhibit hall and there is standing room only. 

These meetings have become so popular and informative that many investors buy a single share of Berkshire Hathaway stock just so they can attend the meeting. The impact of that statement becomes clearer when you realize that a single share of Berkshire’s A-Class stock frequently costs well over $150,000. 

Those who are unable to attend the meeting have access to the same information by reading the annual letter that Berkshire Hathaway distributes to its shareholders. Many of the quotes in this report can be found in those annual letters. 

Warren has an affinity for simple things. The application of his wisdom is rarely complex. 

This ebook will help you put Mr. Buffet’s words of wisdom to practical use. Each chapter includes a popular quote from Warren Buffet, followed by a discussion of its meaning and tips for incorporating the advice into your investing strategies.

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1 review for Smart Investing Words of Wisdom From a Legendary Investor

  1. Ntando Ndlovu (verified owner)

    Easy to follow, no jargon buster needed

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Leeds, UK