Fight Your Fears




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All of us struggle with fear and worry from time to time. In fact, in many cases, fear is actually a good and healthy thing. For example, it causes us to wear seatbelts and it keeps us from doing things that will hurt us, like getting too close to a fire or jumping into a lion’s cage at the zoo. 

But if fear gets out of control, it can take over and prevent us from enjoying life. When we’re consumed by fear, we can’t do the things we love. Overwhelming fear affects our health, saps our strength, makes it difficult to concentrate, and robs us of sleep. 

It also keeps us from taking risks. If we’re afraid, we won’t start new businesses, write books, or initiate relationships. We’ll constantly play it safe, always trying to insulate ourselves from any negative consequences. When we play it safe, we don’t grow. We stagnate. We miss out on great opportunities. 

Fear holds us back from living life to the fullest. We must learn how to overcome our fears, so we can move toward the things we desire.In this ebook, you’ll discover proven strategies for facing and overcoming your fears. You’ll learn effective, healthy strategies for handling worry and anxiety. No, your fears won’t suddenly vanish. but you’ll be equipped to face them and deal with them. 

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