How to Manage Your Money To Pay for a $5,000 Vacation in Cash Every Year



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You really can take a $5,000 vacation every year, even if you have a relatively modest income! The trick is in knowing how to manage your money to make those memorable vacations possible.

Coming up with $5,000 may sound intimidating, especially if you’re already struggling to pay your bills each month. However, it’s really not that difficult, if you’re willing to eliminate some of the non-essentials from your life and maybe earn a few extra dollars each week.

There are 3 basic ways to realize an additional $5,000 each and every year:

1. You can save it
2. You can earn it (and not spend it)
3. Some combination of #1 and #2

It’s important to remember that regardless of whatever method or combination you choose, it’s imperative that you don’t spend the money on something else. Do whatever you must to keep that money untouched; that can be the difficult part.

This ebook shows you many ideas and specific plans for getting that extra $5,000. Use these ideas as a springboard to more ideas of your own and enjoy a fun and rewarding new lifestyle!