All You Need Is Love

This was a very popular song by the 1960’s super band, The Beatles. The chorus would repeat the lyrics, “All you need is love. Love is all you need.” The rock radio stations played the song well into the 1990’s, and you may hear the song on occasion today. In fact, the song played more years than The Beatles were a band. You could say that about a lot of their songs, but this one was top on the list.
The message of the song was loud and clear. The title says it all. And being loved by others is a wonderful feeling. More importantly, you should use this song as inspiration to love yourself. While the intention of the song was not solely for the purpose of finding your inner love, there were hints of it by the lyrics, “Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time.”
If you are unfamiliar with the song, look it up on YouTube, or download a copy from your favorite audio channel. It is easy to find. Listen to the song and sing it to yourself after you are familiar with it. If you don’t feel your own self-compassion, sing the song in your head. You may find it will help you feel the compassion. It may not work for everyone and if you feel there is another song that would do a better job, go for it.
It doesn’t even need to be a song. It could be a poem or some other art form. Maybe it is something you create that can help remind you to love yourself. You deserve it just like anyone else. Find some way to give yourself that inspiration.
If nothing else works, just say the words, “I love myself,” over and over. This positive reinforcement will eventually sink in if you let it. You need to do it consistently for that to happen. If other words work instead, then that is what you should use.
The more you confirm that you deserve your self-compassion or self-love, the stronger your confidence will become. Once that happens, you can accomplish anything you desire. Whatever was holding you back will no longer be an issue. You will take on challenges better than you ever have before. In turn, it will make you a happier person and those who you know will recognize it as well. As you can see, all you needed was love.
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