Change Your Life for the Better with Adaptogenic Herbs
Adaptogenic herbs are a powerful way to strengthen your health. If you haven’t heard of them or tried them, you’ll enjoy discovering a whole new world of benefits.
Adaptogenic herbs can literally change your life for the better! Learn more about these herbs:
1. What are adaptogenic herbs? They are natural herbs that are capable of affecting the body in positive ways by reducing stress and its damaging impact.
- Adaptogenic herbs are generally nontoxic and found in nature.
- They’re usually used as extracts to help balance the body’s systems and fight free radicals or other issues. They’re great at fighting stressors such as anxiety or lack of sleep.
2. How adaptogens help. There are many herbs that are classified as adaptogenic, such as ginseng and holy basil. However, many of their functions are similar.
- Adaptogenic herbs often have high antioxidant levels. This means that they try to stop the damage in your cells.
- They’re also able to help you by strengthening immune response, increasing focus, reducing anxiety, increasing strength, and uplifting moods. Since different herbs have different properties, the impact can vary.
3. How to use them. You have several ways that you can use adaptogenic herbs. One way to benefit from them is to take blends adaptogenic herbs. This combines several powerful natural herbs together. You’ll find supplements such as tonics, pills, powders, capsules, and more.
- The key is to find a form that you enjoy taking and that makes you feel better. Some of these herbs have strong tastes as tonics, so you may need to experiment.
4. Different types of adaptogenic herbs. There are multiple herbs in this category.
- Some of the most common adaptogenic herbs are ginseng, holy basil, licorice root, astragalus, fresh milky oats, and cordycep mushrooms. Each herb has different powers to help your body.
- For example, holy basil has antibacterial properties and stimulates the body. It can facilitate memory, fight coughs, reduce colds, diminish fatigue, and help indigestion.
- Fresh milky oats can help the nervous system. It is good for those who want to relax and feel calm. It may reduce or eliminate anxiety in many cases.
5. Choose the most effective form. Most importantly, focus on organically grown herbs that are free from chemicals and pesticides.
- You also want fresh herbs because they’re more powerful. Many preparations are made with dry herbs, but fresh ones are stronger.
- Another thing to consider is how the adaptogenic herbs are grown. Wild herbs tend to have more effective properties than the ones from a farm. This is partially caused by the seeds that are used.
- You may see labels that say “standardized herbs.” This means certain compounds have been extracted from the herbs and combined together. The goal is to make a more consistent mixture from bottle to bottle. If you have a choice, choose organic and wild herbs instead of the standardized ones.
Adaptogenic herbs are one type of natural remedy you may want to try. Always consult your doctors before making this type of addition to your diet. These herbs can interact with some medications, so it’s important to avoid taking them without a consultation.
Stress is a major cause of many serious and chronic diseases. Reduce your stress and strengthen your health with adaptogenic herbs!
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