9 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack


A panic attack can feel terrifying. Those that suffer panic attacks often feel as if they’re going to die. While highly unpleasant, panic attacks are harmless. A panic attack is something you created. So, you also have the power to lessen and eliminate the attack. If panic attacks are controlling your life, you can regain that control.

Stop a panic attack quickly and effectively with these techniques:

1. Remind yourself that you’re going to be okay. Your body chemistry is slightly off-kilter when you experience a panic attack. Panicking will only intensify the attack. The sooner you can relax, the more quickly the attack will pass.

2. Focus on deep breathing. Breathing is the only part of human physiology over which we have complete control. Anytime you’re awake, you can choose to breathe faster, slower, deeper, shallower, or hold your breath. Control what you can control.

  • Slow, deep breathing will slow your heart rate, and you’ll begin to feel better.

3. Get a massage. This might not always be practical, but get someone to rub your neck and shoulders. Most importantly, massage your scalp. You can even do this yourself. Massaging your scalp will move a greater volume of blood through your brain and will help to relax the muscles of your head and neck.

  • The effects of a massage can last for days. Try to get a massage regularly. Even a family member can perform the service if the cost of a professional massage is too high.

4. Use your imagination. Imagine something pleasant and relaxing. It might be hard to think of something positive in the moment, so have a few ideas before a panic attack strikes.

5. Get moving. Movement will help to eliminate the chemicals that are creating the feeling of panic. If you’re in a place that makes jazzercising impractical, roll your head, wrists and ankles. You could also do a few rounds on the company stairwell. Everyone else is using the elevator anyway.

6. Warm your hands. Have you ever noticed that your hands get cold when you’re stressed? Warming your hands can help reverse the biochemical storm happening in your body during a panic attack. Run warm water over your hands or hold a cup of warm coffee in your hands.

7. Listen to music that relaxes you. Few things can change your mood and biochemistry faster than the right music. Create a song list of at least 10 songs that you find comforting and relaxing. Begin listening to your music as soon as a panic attack begins. Take slow, deep breaths.

8. Get some magnesium. Magnesium has a profound calming effect on the body. Take a magnesium supplement. Dark chocolate contains high levels of magnesium and is more fun than swallowing a pill. An Epsom salt bath will also cause your body to absorb high levels of magnesium.

9. Be proactive. If you suffer a panic attack, you were already stressed about something. Calming yourself before the panic attack is much more practical than waiting until you’re having a crisis. Take control before you lose control.

Panic attacks are frightening and uncomfortable. The symptoms can include: pounding heart, sweating, shaking arms and legs, and difficulty breathing. You can control your panic attacks and return to a normal physiology. Do your best to prevent panic attacks from occurring in the first place. If a panic attack does strike, use these strategies to help subdue it.

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