12 Traits of People With a Type-A Personality
Do you have Type-A personality? Those with a Type-A personality are driven, focused on results, and can’t stand to waste time. These people are challenging to be around, but they also find the rest of us quite frustrating. They’re operating in a different world. These self-motivated people are rarely at peace, but have the ability to get things done and to change the world.
You might have a Type-A personality if:
1. You live and die by your to-do list. Type-A folks are all about using time efficiently. If you have an endless to do list and refer to it frequently, you might have Type-A personality. How stressful would it be to lose your to-do list? Your answer tells the whole story.
2. You’re stressed more than most other people you know. Those that are Type-A get a lot done, but they’re stressed. The tremendous emphasis put on efficiency and results would stress anyone. You’re more likely to suffer a mental breakdown or to have a heart attack.
3. You’re overly conscientious. The need to do everything perfectly is a common characteristic of those with Type-A personality. Imperfections bother you like nails on a chalkboard.
4. You have superior focus. The tasks you have to complete are so critical to you that it’s easy to keep your focus. Anything else is secondary. You could teach a Buddhist monk a thing or two about focus, and you’ll make a million dollars while you’re doing it.
5. You don’t procrastinate. You have a million important things to do that can’t possibly wait! While the rest of the world is watching Seinfeld re-runs, you’re taking care of business.
6. Your career is more important than your relationships. Relationships are okay, but not if they interfere with your career. You believe you’ll have time for a meaningful relationship after you make partner. You’ll probably only be 30 years old anyway.
7. You love being the focus of attention. All that dedication and work shouldn’t go unnoticed. You thrive on recognition and standing out from the crowd.
8. It’s challenging for you to relax. With an ambitious schedule and only 168 hours in a week to squeeze in all in, how can you possibly relax? Who can you petition to make a day 27 hours instead of 24?
9. You struggle to fall asleep at night. If it’s difficult to relax, it’s difficult to sleep. You’re probably lying in bed beating yourself up for only getting 27 of the 30 items on your to-do list completed. However, you could get up and knock them out. It’s only 2 AM.
10. You do everything quickly and with purpose. Whether you’re walking down the hall, eating lunch, or shopping, you know where you’re going and you’re not going to waste any time getting there.
11. Incompetent people infuriate you. Why can’t Joe polish his shoes properly? And why does the cashier count so slowly? It’s all quite maddening.
12. You’re highly successful. If you’re a Type-A personality, you’re probably quite successful. Having a purpose, boundless energy, and the ability to get things done is well-rewarded in Western civilization.
Do you recognize any of these symptoms in yourself? Is your partner lurking in this list? Those with Type-A personality might not have a lot of time to give you, but they don’t require much from you either. They’re too busy! Type-A personalities are a force unto themselves.
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