Unclutter Your Space, Unclutter Your Mind


declutter-your-spaceIt is widely believed that if your surroundings are cluttered, you will not be as productive. It has an impact on your psyche which means if you unclutter your space you will also unclutter your mind. When you open your mind, your thoughts and ideas will flow more smoothly. This is one of the major ways keeping your environment clutter free will lead you to be more productive.

It’s not easy for some people to unclutter their lives. If you have ever seen the television show Hoarders, it shows how some people have psychological blocks about throwing things away or getting rid of them. It gets so bad that they can’t even live in their homes due to all the clutter. This makes it impossible for them to clean which means they are living in dirt as well.

People should make the effort. In the case of hoarders, they may need to seek some therapy to help them through it. For most people, this is extreme and unnecessary. Whatever it takes to keep your environment clutter-free, it will be worth it.

When was the last time you were looking for a physical document, either on your desk or in a filing cabinet? If you weren’t able to easily find it, this is also a form of clutter. When you don’t create a system that helps you quickly retrieve items, you are going to spend unnecessary time looking for them. If you have difficulty coming up with a system, there are plenty of books and seminars that can help.

It’s not just physical documents that get cluttered. Your digital documents may not have any rhyme or reason as to where they are stored. This can be just as distracting as looking for physical documents. Because people tend to deal more with digital documents, this is likely to cause more stress because your most important documents will be in this format. There is an abundance of apps or software that can help you keep your digital filing in order. Evernote is one example of a great program for organizing electronic documents, and it has a free version.

You will reduce your stress levels when you create an uncluttered environment. You will be able to find things faster which gives you the time to work on important items. Even if not for work, you will have more time to spend with your friends and family.

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