Do You Live on Regrets?


do-you-live-on-regretsThe past is the past. So why do many people insist on dwelling on it? There is nothing you can do to change what you have done. So move on.

Focusing on your regrets is using up energy unnecessarily. It can also be a source of stress. In extreme cases, it can lead to other bad behaviors like drugs and alcohol. The worst part is, there is no way to change it. So the bad behaviors continue indefinitely because what was done prior will always replay in your mind.

If you concentrate your energies on the present, you won’t have time to focus on the past. Use regrets only as learning experiences, i.e., what you promise yourself you won’t do in the future. But, that should be all regrets are used for. No more dwelling. Just pure refocusing of energy to productive use.

Some past experiences are going to be hard to shake. Losing a close family member can have devastating effects on people and may require more than simply trying to move on. In such extreme cases, you may need to seek out some help from professionals. Try to do this as quickly as possible so that those bad behaviors mentioned before, don’t take hold. If you get caught up in those, you will not only have to deal with your past experience but with your addiction as well.

Sometimes, past experiences can have a way of creeping back into your life, even if you have been successful at keeping them at bay. If this should happen, try to find ways to downplay them. Always, move forward in life. That is the key. Again, focusing on what you are doing now and making a difference in your life will go a long way in keeping those regrets in the past.

Sometimes, it can help to write down about your experience that is causing you regret. This way, you can refer to it in the future, should similar circumstances arise. You can record how you were able to get over it and what you did to move on. Just having that reminder can be enough to ensure that you don’t make the same mistakes twice.

One final thought, it’s equally important not to focus too strongly on the future, either. While planning for the future is a good idea, you still want to have an enjoyable life right now. Some people put everything off to be ready for a future they may never see.

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