Exercising on a Budget: Get in Great Shape Without a Gym Membership


Who says you need a gym to get in great shape? The prevalence of gyms is a relatively recent phenomenon. There have always been people in great shape, with or without a gym membership. You can avoid the fees, travel time, and other inconveniences and get in shape without leaving your home or neighborhood. 

You don’t need a lot of equipment or time to dramatically change your body and fitness level. Even if you’re not thriving financially, you can still build a body you can be proud of. Your doctor will be thrilled, too. 

Use these strategies to get in the best shape of your life without stepping into a gym: 

1. Calisthenics. Your body weight is all the resistance you need to get in great shape. Remember gym class back in the day? You would do push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and other calisthenics. There are plenty of exercise examples online. 

  • Set up a simple program and try to do just a little more each week. You can make great progress if you’re consistent. A few hundred pushups each day will do wonders for your upper body without needing a gym membership. 

2. Jump rope. A jump rope is inexpensive and a great form of exercise. You can get your calves, heart, and lungs in amazing shape. Take it easy at first until you get back in the swing of things. Jumping rope is great for your coordination, too. Jump rope with a friend for double the fun. 

3. Run, walk, bike. Running and walking are free. If you already have a bike, biking is free, too. These can be great cardiovascular exercises which enhance your health in numerous ways. 

4. Exercise videos. Cable TV and internet have countless exercise programs you can watch and join in the fun. Whether you like aerobics, bootcamp style workouts, or Pilates, there are endless options for learning and following along. Most of the options are 100% free, too. 

5. Yoga. Yoga is another option you can do in the comfort of your home or at the park. Again, there are many videos available on the topic. A morning routine of following along with a yoga program on TV can change your life. 

6. Find and follow a diet that works for you. Exercise is only part of the answer to getting in great shape. Your diet plays a huge part, too. It can be challenging to find an eating plan that you enjoy that is also healthy. Keep working on it until you find something that clicks. 

  • You simply can’t out-exercise a poor diet unless you’re a 20-year-old wide receiver. 

7. Hike. Hiking can be more challenging than walking. You can also spend some time in nature, too. Hiking can also be a great group activity if you don’t feel like getting in shape alone. All you need is some suitable footwear for the terrain. 

8. Drink water. Water is another important component of getting into good shape. Your body is predominantly water, and your cells need water to work properly. 

  • Calorie-free and healthy aren’t necessarily the same thing. There’s more and more evidence that artificial sweeteners contribute to overeating and type 2 diabetes. Your gut flora is also negatively impacted by artificial sweeteners. So, stick with water! 

Gyms can be expensive and inconvenient. Avoid both of these disadvantages by working out at home. A few calisthenics and a quick run are all anyone needs. This is the basic method the military uses to whip recruits into shape quickly. If it can work for the army, it can work for you, too! 

Get your diet under control, too, and you’ll be amazed by your progress. 

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