Foods You Must Add to Your Grocery List to Get Flatter Abs


flatter-absThe stomach is one of the hardest parts to flatten in the body. Everyone wants perfect abs, but it takes works and commitment to get them. You can spend hours at the gym fighting for flatter abs, but if your diet isn’t focused, then you’ll struggle to achieve the results you desire.

Luckily, there are foods you can eat – and some to avoid – that can help you in your endeavor for flat abs.

Let’s look at some general guidelines for healthy meals that will help tone your body and stomach area, along with those foods you’ll want to add more of.

General Food Guidelines

1. Some foods to avoid for flatter abs:

  • Avoid sugar and junk food, such as salty chips and pretzels, as much as possible.
  • Alcohol is also high in both calories and sugar, so that’s one to avoid as well.
  • It’s also important to shun trans fats and other fats that aren’t healthy. When looking at your food labels, if you see “hydrogenated” fats or oils, put it back. Many labels will say something like “No Trans Fats” right on the front to help you find the products without them.

2. Food groups to include in your diet for flatter abs:

  • Focus on fiber. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially in raw form, will give you the fiber you need to support your goal.
  • Stick to natural foods, rather than processed items. Most grocery stores keep the natural foods, such as fruits, veggies, eggs, meat, and dairy, along the edges of the store. You might want to venture into the middle for some minimally processed items, like rice, beans, healthy oils, and spices.

Foods to Add to Your Grocery List

Make these foods a standing order for every week:

1. Chili peppers. Chili peppers should be at the top of your grocery list. They’re spicy, can kick up any recipe, and can boost metabolism. The capsaicin in chili peppers may also help you burn fat as you reach for flatter abs.

2. Yogurt. The protein in yogurt can keep you full for long periods, so you’re not tempted to eat junk food. Yogurt also has other nutrients that can help you get a flatter stomach:

  • Yogurt contains probiotics that may help your digestive system and reduce belly fat.
  • The calcium in yogurt is also important because it has been linked to flatter abs.

3. Cauliflower. This white vegetable has sulforaphane, a nutrient that has been linked to lower belly fat because it can reduce fat cells. Cauliflower also has high fiber, so you’ll feel full and have a stronger digestive system.

4. Green tea. Green tea is mostly known for its powerful antioxidants, but it also has fat fighting power. Green tea has been shown in studies to promote a higher metabolism. It can also give you more energy, so you can finish your workouts to get flatter abs.

Consider Your Entire Diet

Although adding these specific foods will help you get a flatter stomach, it’s important to look at your overall diet for best results.

Simply adding more yogurt or green tea isn’t enough if your meal plans aren’t healthy. Your body needs nutritional support to fight fat. Include protein, carbs, and healthy fats at each meal. Ensure you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals from your food and drinks.

For best results, plan your meals ahead of time. This will help you avoid grabbing items from vending machines or fast food that doesn’t support your goal.

Give yourself a fighting chance! Follow these tips for getting flatter abs and making your workouts more meaningful.

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