Friendly Competition Inspires Me to Improve

There are few ways to achieve improvement that are better than competition. Practice is good, but testing the things I have practiced is better. Competition inspires me to be better. Others push me to improve. At the same time, I am pushing others to better themselves.
I enjoy the act of competing, even when there is no prize. The real prize is seeing marked improvement as I make my best effort. I help others see where they can refine their skills, and they do the same for me.
Whether it is in the work environment or a recreational activity, I always seek new ways to better myself. Sometimes, I find I only need to compete against myself to be challenged. Other times, however, I discover that I achieve new limits when I am pushed to them by those around me.
Healthy competition brings out the best in me. Regardless of the event, I see an increase in focus, endurance, and positive perception. I feel motivated to do better, accomplish more, and seek greater challenges.
Today, I challenge myself to rise to new heights, regardless of the task. Seeking continuous improvement is one way to better myself. Plus, finding a way to turn a menial task into a friendly competition can make the task more fun!
I endeavor to improve myself and others, while building a sense of comradery.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How can I encourage a positive competitive spirit in others?
2. When is competition a bad idea?
3. Besides competition, what are additional methods of measuring improvement?
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