I Am Trustworthy


My daily mantra is to be sincere and honest with each person who I encounter. Painting an accurate picture to them brings peace of mind to both of us. 

I appreciate when another person is straightforward with me so I take the same approach with them. My commitment to sincerity shows that I am easy to trust. 

Close friends confide in me with their deepest secrets. When someone asks for my advice and confidence, it is easy for me to give it. I keep in mind that the treatment I expect from others is what I am obliged to give to them. 

Being the custodian of another person’s private details is an honor for me. I feel like it is my duty to protect them at all costs. 

It is important to live with integrity because it aligns with my moral compass. Being good and honest to others is the honorable thing to do. Telling the truth is crucial to my life as a trustworthy individual. It assures that I am able to live with a clean conscience. 

Today, I present myself to those around me as a person worthy of trust. Each opportunity I get to adequately care for what is given to me is precious. The profoundness of my life is rooted in how I choose to live with those around me. 

Self-Reflection Questions: 

  1. What do I do to gain the trust of others?
  2. How do I regain the trust of someone who believes I have broken it?
  3. In which instances am I cautious about giving all the details to someone who asks?
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