I Embrace This Day


new-dayI wake up feeling like I want to give the world a big hug. I embrace this day and the opportunities that it contains.

I start out with a few moments of meditation. I remind myself of my priorities. I consider the meaning of my life and how to use that sense of purpose to guide the decisions that I make today.

I make healthy choices that protect my body and mind. I eat nutritious, whole foods, and visit the gym after work. I take breaks throughout the day to stretch my muscles and calm my thoughts.

I focus on what I can do to learn and grow.

I view my morning commute with fresh eyes. Instead of grumbling about traffic, I enjoy the scenery. I notice a new restaurant that I want to check out. I admire my neighbor’s lush green lawn.

I radiate enthusiasm around my workplace. I pitch in when my colleagues are scrambling to meet a tight deadline. I listen attentively to a client who is concerned about an important project.

I share my love with my family and friends.

I show kindness to animals, too. I pet my dog and fill my birdfeeder in the backyard.

I use my free time constructively. I turn off the TV so I can read a book or practice playing the piano.

Today, I celebrate the 24 hours that have been given to me. I treat them as a precious gift that I can use to enrich my life and share my joy with others.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What can I do to make today special?

2. What am I grateful for today?

3. How would I describe my 3 top priorities for today?

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