I Give Without Keeping a Mental Note of the Act


Part of my purpose in this life is to help others in whatever way possible. I feel fulfilled when I am able to offer a helping hand or shoulder to lean on. When I give support, I do so without keeping record of it. My help comes from a sincere place. 

Making financial contributions to meaningful causes is easy for me. When I see the value of my donation to others, I am happy. I am motivated to keep giving because I love to see my gifts transformed into blessings. 

Emotional support stretches further than financial support. When family and friends request a listening ear or shoulder to cry on, I make myself available without question. 

I believe that I am here to make life more livable for as many people as possible. I assist loved ones with hurting hearts and unsettled souls. My own wants are forgotten when I am playing the role of support system. 

When I choose to give of myself freely, blessings come back to me bountifully. It is wonderful to be part of an equation that brings joy to the world. 

Today, my physical and spiritual gifts are for those who call on me for help. I am happy for the opportunity to share myself with others. Being a source of relief is one of the best gifts in life. 

Self-Reflection Questions: 

  1. How do I feel when others overlook expressing gratitude for my kindness?
  2. How do I feel when others sacrifice themselves for my peace of mind?
  3. In what ways can I be of help to people in need?
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