I Show My Appreciation to Coworkers


coworkersI appreciate my coworkers and their suggestions. I always remember to let them know how grateful I am for their help and encouragement.

I build strong relationships with my coworkers because of my gratitude.

I am able to help them overcome obstacles, and they help me with my challenges. We share information freely and avoid resentment or grudges.

I show my appreciation through my help, concern, and love.

I appreciate the hard work my coworkers do each day, so I acknowledge it. I take extra steps to show my gratitude.

I volunteer to help others and complete projects. I use my skills and knowledge to make work easier for my coworkers. I even bring them coffee and snacks for refreshment as we work together.

I give my coworkers gifts, so they know I appreciate them. I remember their

birthdays, anniversaries, and other special days.

I help arrange company awards for my coworkers, so everyone sees their impact at work. I find categories that fit each employee and show them they are an important part of the company. I help my employer arrange parties and holiday events, so the entire office can relax together.

Today, I feel very grateful for my coworkers. I appreciate their help and devotion to our office.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How can I show my appreciation to my coworkers?

2. What can I do to make my family understand that my coworkers also matter?

3. What can I do to show my friends that gratitude is important at work?

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