My Confidence Grows Each Day


confidenceI know that I am whole and complete. I feel sure of myself. I treat myself with respect and compassion. My future looks bright. I welcome the opportunities and challenges that come my way.

I set realistic expectations for myself and forge ahead. I learn from my experiences and persevere until I reach my goals.

I understand that my self-confidence is stronger in some areas than in others. I also know that taking risks exposes me to situations where I may feel unsure. With that in mind, I keep practicing and building up my resources.

I try out new projects. I break out of my comfort zone and dare to learn new tricks. I may sign up for dance classes or build my first bird feeder. I am excited about gaining new knowledge and stretching my skills.

I deserve credit for making an effort regardless of whether I succeed the first time or need a second try.

I spruce up my image. Substance is essential,

but appearances count too. Updating my website and business cards demonstrates my professionalism. Good posture and a big smile tell the world that I am capable and friendly.

Today, I strengthen the foundation of my self-confidence. I believe in me, and my potential.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What is one song that instantly makes me feel more confident?

2. What is the most important lesson my parents or another role model taught me about self-confidence?

3. How does building my confidence change my life?

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