My friends Are Worth Keeping

My friendships are a valuable investment. I put time and effort into keeping my friends. They give me support and provide helpful feedback. I call a friend when I need a pep talk or a pat on the back. I learn about myself by hearing what my friends think of my choices and activities.
Spending time with my friends makes me feel happy and energetic. I am more cheerful and motivated after a lively conversation or a fun night out.
I maintain my relationships by making my friends a high priority.
I pay attention to their needs. I work at being a good listener when my friend needs to talk about recovering from a broken heart or planning their wedding.
I schedule time to get together. I keep my calendar free for regular dinner dates, happy hours, and shared vacations.
I remain flexible so my friendships can adapt to the transitions and milestones in my life. I accept that parenthood and career changes affect the way we interact. I look for practical ways to stay in touch, like early morning breakfasts or video conference calls.
I share my authentic self and give my friends the opportunity to do the same. We experience the joys of being loved and understood.
Today, I let my friends know how much I appreciate them and want them in my life.
Self-Reflection Questions:
- What is my definition of a good friend?
- How can I maintain close connections in long-distance friendships?
- What can I do to thank a friend who is consistently there for me?
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