My Friendships Are Based on Sincere Caring and Interest


I treasure my true friendships. It is rare to foster relationships that are solely based on caring and interest. I am happy to have a group of friends who only have my best interests at heart. 

The core idea behind friendship is support. This means that as a friend, I am reliable when someone needs me to be there. 

When my friends call to lay their emotional concerns on my shoulder, I quickly show up. I realize that I am their first point of contact because we have a relationship based on support. Their concerns are my concerns as well. 

I experience that same level of interest and caring whenever I call on my friends. A solid friendship is a two-way street. I appreciate their efforts to provide encouragement. 

Having others to bounce ideas off of is wonderful. Whatever feedback my friends ask of me is readily available because their well-being matters to me. 

When there is a disagreement between me and a true friend, it is resolved quickly. Real friends find a way to get through any difficulty together. That hardiness comes from a solid foundation of caring and love. 

Today, I celebrate the love that I share with my special friends. I welcome the opportunity to be a part of their support team. My commitment to care for their physical and emotional desires is unwavering. 

Self-Reflection Questions: 

  1. In what ways can I show my friends that I appreciate them?
  2. How easy is it for me to run to the help of a friend?
  3. How do my friendships help me to maintain other positive relationships?
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