My Youthful Spirit is Reflected in My Demeanor


I find a youthful joy in life regardless of the circumstances around me. My carefree and spirited soul is reflected in my attitude to life and how I handle situations. 

Crossroads generally come with tough decisions, but I avoid feeling stressed. I make choices based on the ones that positively impact my spiritual well-being. 

Many of the steps I take are marked by simplicity. A simple life keeps me safe from complications and unwanted turmoil. That childlike outlook helps me to make decisions without thinking too deeply about the possible repercussions. 

My demeanor at work is energetic. 

Regardless of my age, I feel like my spirit remains young and vibrant. My spirit makes me approachable and my environment comfortable. 

My employers are happy to have me on board because I have the ability to endure tough challenges. I enjoy being selected for difficult projects because I know that I have the vigor to undertake them. 

I am enthusiastic about each activity that I participate in. When my kids ask me to participate in activities at school, I readily accept the challenge. 

Opening myself up to the company of sprightly individuals contributes to my youthfulness. The energy of others is contagious and I choose to interact with others who display healthy behaviors. 

Today, my youthful spirit keeps me active and alive. I happily embrace the vibrant and energetic side of me. Being enthusiastic adds value to my relationships and experiences. 

Self-Reflection Questions: 

  1. How can I maintain a youthful demeanor?
  2. When do I find it necessary to put aside my enthusiasm and display a more subdued demeanor?
  3. Which situations impact the level of energy and excitement I display? 
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