I Focus On What I Can Control


My time and energy are valuable. I direct my resources towards the things I can control. I am in charge of my feelings, thoughts, and actions. I decide how to respond to the circumstances that surround me. 

I make positive changes when I can. I collaborate with others to search for solutions. 

I accept situations that are beyond my reach. I wish others well even if I disagree with their behavior. I make peace with reality while still hoping for miracles. However, I move on when I believe that I would be happier and more productive elsewhere. 

I decide to be happy. I count my blessings and express my gratitude. I greet each day with a smile. A cheerful attitude keeps me calm and content. 

I cherish my family and friends. I reach out for support when I am struggling. Even ordinary activities become joyful and meaningful when I share them with my loved ones. After a tense day at work, I play catch with my children in our back yard. 

I take care of my health. Regular exercise and a healthy diet keep me fit. 

I turn to my faith for comfort and strength. Connecting with the divine sustains me during difficult times. 

Today, I remember that I have power over my mind. I control my choices and actions. 

Self-Reflection Questions: 

  1. How do I decide whether to accept a situation or work to change it?
  2. How does focusing on what I can control reduce stress?
  3. What would my life be like if I let go of things that are beyond my control?
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