Simple Outline Strategy to Grow Your Business Online

business online

business onlineIn this blog post I will sketch out the outline of a simple 3-Step Strategy you can use to grow your business online in a way you had not thought possible. In another post I aim to offer more value by providing you with specific actions you can take to implement this strategy and to master the skills you will need to make a success of your business online.

My overall purpose in providing you with this strategy is to get you to take action on what you learn, because taking massive action is what making money online is all about. If all you do is study these lessons but you do nothing with them, then it goes without saying that nothing will change. However, if you are serious about making money online and you apply what I will reveal in this and related blog posts, then you will have a complete marketing system set up within a few hours and you can be making money within days.

The #1 Marketing Mistake

Now, making money online really comes down to three things, and they are…Traffic, Conversion and Duplication.

Traffic is the life blood of every business. Without traffic, no one will see your offer, which means no leads and no leads means no customers.

Conversion is when someone lands on your website, or capture page or sales page, whatever it may be, and carries out whatever action the page is designed for them to take, such as making a purchase or entering their name and email address into a form on the page, and so on.

Duplication involves acquiring a team and providing them with the knowledge and tools to market effectively. This is important because it enables you to earn substantially more from the combined efforts of your team than you would from your efforts alone.

Now, the biggest mistake that a lot of marketers make is to drive tons and tons of traffic to their website or offer, which could be a company replicated page, a sales page, Clikbank offer or whatever, expecting that people are just going to buy. They could not be more mistaken.

You see, even with all the traffic in the world, if you do not have a good offer in place, an offer that converts, you will still have minimal to no sales. Why would anyone join you or buy from you when there are thousands of other people doing exactly what you are doing, like sending people to a replicated company website page? If you are doing this, then you are not separating yourself from the competition. You are not providing your prospective customers with any reason to join you or purchase from you.

Coming From a Position of Providing Value

So, it is vitally important for your success that you provide value to those people that reach your pages. You need to offer them a solution to their problem, which in the majority of cases is a lack of knowledge on how to properly market. Whether you are just getting started or you are already established as a marketer, you can offer value by providing them with proven, ready-made systems that will help them convert all that traffic into sales. Therefore, whilst it is important to know how to generate traffic for your websites, first you must focus on optimizing your pages for conversions.

To repeat what I said earlier, conversion is when someone lands on one of your web pages and engages with it by performing whatever action the page is designed for them to take. When your site is properly arranged, then your visitors’ interest will be aroused and they will be more inclined to learn more about you and what you have to offer. It is here that you can brand yourself and create the relationship with your prospects that eventually results in them trusting you enough to become your customer.

Therefore, it is vitally important that you optimize your pages for conversion before you drive traffic. This can be done easily with the use of systems like Leadpages, which provide you the ability to create your own personalized capture pages, sales funnels and other tools that make it possible to optimize your conversions. With systems you are kept up to date with cutting edge marketing strategies from the industry’s top leaders so that you are always in the know about what is working now.

Good systems also provide daily motivational calls, Facebook support and telephone support, so that if anyone in your team has questions, you are not the one that they always have to look to.

Duplicating Machines

Marketing systems not only provide you with the tools to market your business, but they are also powerful duplication machines. If your team is not out there marketing and producing results, then they are only slowing you down, but if they are in the game and they are seeing results, that makes them happy and you will see the compounding effect of their efforts manifested in the scaling up of your own income.

Best of all, systems provide you with the opportunity to earn income from people who say no to your primary business. Most marketers do not realize that they are leaving hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on the table every time they present their primary business opportunity to people, only to have those people say no.

By offering to teach people how to use systems to do what they want to do in their business, then when they purchase those same systems for their own use, you pick up the commission even though they never joined your business. This is what will keep the cash flowing into your business even whilst you are not making money from your primary opportunity and it will provide you with the funds to buy traffic and fund other marketing costs of your primary business.

In the next blog post I will reveal the practical steps you need to take to set up your high converting sales funnels and get your 3-Step Strategy moving.

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